Centenary of the reconstruction of the bell tower of San Marco
Friday 20 April at 18.00 at the gallery in San Marco 3448
The Galleria Salizada is pleased to cross the finish line of the first year of operation in conjunction
with the centenary of the rebuilding of the bell tower of San Marco, Where was inaugurated, it was the 25 April 1912
Salizada Gallery invites you to celebrate the double anniversary
will be inaugurated PHOTO EXHIBITION
a large exhibition of vintage photographs emerged from the assets of the Alinari Archives
and the brochure: 1912-2012 ANNIVERSARY OF THE RECONSTRUCTION OF THE BELL TOWER SAN MARCO presented by the author, Enrico Ricciardi
This little book, describes and illustrates the story of his fall and its reconstruction, a history of ideas, projects,
uncertainty about where and how, the history that led to the splendid monument which still waking proud city,
a story of old photographs and texts, that remind us of a long-forgotten news, the collapse of the reconstruction