
A history of Italian photography in the Alinari collections 1841/1941

Posted in: , , , - Sea 23, 2011 bool(false) Comments Off

The book traces a route through one hundred years of history of Italian photography, from its origins to the mid-twentieth century. This itinerary, while presenting only a selection of the important collection held by the Museum Alinari, helps to understand the particular history of Italian photography over time. Alongside the works of the early years after unification, documenting the historical events, the collection gradually widening to all the great artistic and cultural movements in Europe. The style evolves over time and towards the end of the century is clearly perceived the development of a new lexicon photo. To the views of a pictorialist Anderson, echoed in the works of Ray Michetti or borrowed from the pictorial model. The images of Noack and Toys mark the years of transition to the twentieth century. Finally, during the twenties and thirties, other failures occur with respect to processing schemes of the subjects and the historical and political context of the time again becomes predominant. The formal research are organized around the avant-garde movements such as Futurism or, laying the groundwork for neo-realism that will develop in the postwar period.

Texts: A. Cartier-Bresson, M. Maffioli, I. Zannier
Format: cm 24×28pp.. 274
Photos: 200Softcover
ISBN: 88-7292-510-X

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